Report of the fit

Fit summary

Description: PV19 version x
Minimiser: minuit
Random seed: 1234
Maximum values allowed for q_T / Q: 0.2
Percentile cut: 5
Parameterisation: PV19x
Initial parameters fluctuations: False
Explicit formula:

f_{\rm NP}(x,\zeta, b_T)= \Biggl( \frac{1-\lambda}{1 + g_1(x) b_T^2/4} + \lambda \exp \left(-g_{1B}(x) b_T^2 / 4 \right)\Biggr) \exp\left[- g_2 \log\left(\frac{\zeta}{Q_0^2}\right) b_T^2/4 - g_{2B} \log\left(\frac{\zeta}{Q_0^2}\right) b_T^4/4 \right]g_1(x) = \frac{N_1}{x\sigma} \exp\left[ - \frac{\ln^2\left(\frac{x}{\alpha}\right)}{2 \sigma^2} \right]g_{1B}(x) = \frac{N_{1B}}{x\sigma_B} \exp\left[ - \frac{\ln^2\left(\frac{x}{\alpha_B}\right)}{2 \sigma_B^2} \right]Q_0^2 = 1\;{\rm GeV}^2 t_0 prescription: True

g_2 N_1 \alpha \sigma \lambda N_{1B} \alpha_B \sigma_B g_{2B}
0.03929225337166122 0.4585030605651706 0.2047307296278494 0.39219414364312494 0.5466961452424751 0.03936952389514996 0.06685346557972836 0.35528288710185424 0.010173598239098757

Theory summary

Collinear PDF set: MMHT2014nnlo68cl member 0
Collinear FF set: DSS14_NLO_PiSum member 0
b^* prescription: bstarmin
Perturbative order: N3LL
Reference value of the fine-structure constant: \alpha(Q = 91.1876\;{\rm GeV}) = 0.00776578395589 (running True)

Global statistical estimators

N_{rep} = 203
\chi_{0}^2 = 1.0705
\chi_{mean}^2 = 1.0197
\langle\chi^2\rangle \pm \sigma_{\chi^2} = 1.094 \pm 0.0119
\langle E \rangle \pm \sigma_{E} = 2.0947 \pm 0.161


Parameter Central replica Average over replicas Fixed
g_2 0.037923106 0.03621274 \pm 0.00860477 False
N_1 0.51881393 0.62481322 \pm 0.28221709 False
\alpha 0.20314198 0.20644958 \pm 0.00983289 False
\sigma 0.37327219 0.37011055 \pm 0.06267228 False
\lambda 0.57973261 0.5797666 \pm 0.09166202 False
N_{1B} 0.039554376 0.0443336 \pm 0.0122624 False
\alpha_B 0.067696657 0.06890795 \pm 0.00895598 False
\sigma_B 0.36307837 0.35625572 \pm 0.07538985 False
g_{2B} 0.011221607 0.01156522 \pm 0.00302411 False
Fitted parameter correlation matrix

Fit properties

Global \chi^2 distribution
Global error function distribution
g_2 distribution
N_1 distribution
\alpha distribution
\sigma distribution
\lambda distribution
N_{1B} distribution
\alpha_B distribution
\sigma_B distribution
g_{2B} distribution

Table of \chi^2’s

Central-replica \chi^2’s:
Experiment Number of points \chi_{D}^2 \chi_{\lambda}^2 \chi^2
E605_Q_7_8 7 0.669 0.008 0.677
E605_Q_8_9 8 1.517 0.005 1.522
E605_Q_10.5_11.5 10 0.341 0.173 0.514
E605_Q_11.5_13.5 12 0.8 0.491 1.291
E605_Q_13.5_18 13 1.407 0.61 2.017
E288_200_Q_4_5 4 0.525 0.843 1.367
E288_200_Q_5_6 5 1.364 0.268 1.632
E288_200_Q_6_7 6 0.259 0.135 0.394
E288_200_Q_7_8 7 0.404 0.005 0.409
E288_200_Q_8_9 8 0.548 0.044 0.592
E288_300_Q_4_5 4 0.467 0.562 1.029
E288_300_Q_5_6 5 0.755 0.156 0.911
E288_300_Q_6_7 6 0.414 0.033 0.447
E288_300_Q_7_8 7 0.088 0.014 0.102
E288_300_Q_8_9 8 0.552 0.003 0.556
E288_300_Q_11_12 9 0.357 0.248 0.605
E288_400_Q_5_6 5 0.266 0.009 0.275
E288_400_Q_6_7 6 0.079 0.0 0.079
E288_400_Q_7_8 7 0.021 0.022 0.043
E288_400_Q_8_9 8 0.413 0.049 0.462
E288_400_Q_11_12 11 0.51 0.053 0.563
E288_400_Q_12_13 12 0.489 0.048 0.538
E288_400_Q_13_14 12 0.592 0.093 0.685
STAR_510 7 0.89 0.033 0.923
CDF_RunI 25 0.533 0.056 0.589
CDF_RunII 26 0.873 0.003 0.876
D0_RunI 12 0.625 0.046 0.671
D0_RunII 5 1.134 0.605 1.739
D0_RunIImu 3 3.282 0.028 3.309
LHCb_7TeV 7 1.125 0.157 1.282
LHCb_8TeV 7 0.541 0.084 0.625
LHCb_13TeV 7 0.786 0.022 0.808
CMS_7TeV 4 2.125 0 2.125
CMS_8TeV 4 1.428 0.006 1.435
ATLAS_7TeV_y_0_1 6 2.652 0.03 2.681
ATLAS_7TeV_y_1_2 6 4.205 1.034 5.239
ATLAS_7TeV_y_2_2.4 6 3.514 0.382 3.896
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0_0.4 6 2.005 0.355 2.359
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.4_0.8 6 2.202 0.27 2.473
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.8_1.2 6 0.892 0.064 0.955
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.2_1.6 6 0.915 0.101 1.016
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.6_2 6 0.611 0.079 0.69
ATLAS_8TeV_y_2_2.4 6 0.722 0.299 1.021
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_46_66 4 2.304 0.697 3.001
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_116_150 8 0.496 0.003 0.499
Total 353 0.913 0.158 1.07
Mean-replica \chi^2’s:
Experiment Number of points \chi_{D}^2 \chi_{\lambda}^2 \chi^2
E605_Q_7_8 7 0.419 0.068 0.487
E605_Q_8_9 8 0.995 0.034 1.029
E605_Q_10.5_11.5 10 0.191 0.137 0.328
E605_Q_11.5_13.5 12 0.491 0.284 0.775
E605_Q_13.5_18 13 0.491 0.385 0.877
E288_200_Q_4_5 4 0.213 0.649 0.862
E288_200_Q_5_6 5 0.673 0.292 0.965
E288_200_Q_6_7 6 0.133 0.141 0.275
E288_200_Q_7_8 7 0.254 0.014 0.268
E288_200_Q_8_9 8 0.652 0.024 0.676
E288_300_Q_4_5 4 0.231 0.555 0.785
E288_300_Q_5_6 5 0.502 0.204 0.706
E288_300_Q_6_7 6 0.315 0.063 0.378
E288_300_Q_7_8 7 0.056 0.03 0.086
E288_300_Q_8_9 8 0.53 0.017 0.547
E288_300_Q_11_12 9 1.047 0.167 1.215
E288_400_Q_5_6 5 0.312 0.065 0.377
E288_400_Q_6_7 6 0.1 0.005 0.105
E288_400_Q_7_8 7 0.018 0.011 0.029
E288_400_Q_8_9 8 0.437 0.039 0.477
E288_400_Q_11_12 11 0.637 0.036 0.673
E288_400_Q_12_13 12 0.788 0.028 0.816
E288_400_Q_13_14 12 1.064 0.044 1.107
STAR_510 7 0.782 0.054 0.836
CDF_RunI 25 0.48 0.058 0.538
CDF_RunII 26 0.959 0.001 0.959
D0_RunI 12 0.711 0.043 0.753
D0_RunII 5 1.325 0.612 1.937
D0_RunIImu 3 3.196 0.023 3.218
LHCb_7TeV 7 1.069 0.194 1.263
LHCb_8TeV 7 0.46 0.075 0.535
LHCb_13TeV 7 0.735 0.02 0.755
CMS_7TeV 4 2.131 0 2.131
CMS_8TeV 4 1.405 0.007 1.412
ATLAS_7TeV_y_0_1 6 2.581 0.028 2.609
ATLAS_7TeV_y_1_2 6 4.333 1.032 5.365
ATLAS_7TeV_y_2_2.4 6 3.561 0.378 3.939
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0_0.4 6 1.924 0.337 2.262
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.4_0.8 6 2.342 0.247 2.59
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.8_1.2 6 0.917 0.061 0.978
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.2_1.6 6 0.912 0.095 1.006
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.6_2 6 0.721 0.092 0.814
ATLAS_8TeV_y_2_2.4 6 0.932 0.348 1.28
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_46_66 4 2.138 0.745 2.883
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_116_150 8 0.501 0.003 0.504
Total 353 0.88 0.14 1.02
Average-over-replicas \chi^2’s:
Experiment Number of points \chi^2
E605_Q_7_8 7 0.692 \pm 0.105
E605_Q_8_9 8 1.537 \pm 0.223
E605_Q_10.5_11.5 10 0.553 \pm 0.071
E605_Q_11.5_13.5 12 1.387 \pm 0.111
E605_Q_13.5_18 13 2.045 \pm 0.111
E288_200_Q_4_5 4 1.432 \pm 0.287
E288_200_Q_5_6 5 1.668 \pm 0.195
E288_200_Q_6_7 6 0.415 \pm 0.084
E288_200_Q_7_8 7 0.425 \pm 0.142
E288_200_Q_8_9 8 0.601 \pm 0.067
E288_300_Q_4_5 4 1.087 \pm 0.266
E288_300_Q_5_6 5 0.943 \pm 0.137
E288_300_Q_6_7 6 0.461 \pm 0.129
E288_300_Q_7_8 7 0.115 \pm 0.045
E288_300_Q_8_9 8 0.576 \pm 0.1
E288_300_Q_11_12 9 0.608 \pm 0.029
E288_400_Q_5_6 5 0.316 \pm 0.081
E288_400_Q_6_7 6 0.111 \pm 0.03
E288_400_Q_7_8 7 0.082 \pm 0.054
E288_400_Q_8_9 8 0.504 \pm 0.082
E288_400_Q_11_12 11 0.595 \pm 0.138
E288_400_Q_12_13 12 0.57 \pm 0.039
E288_400_Q_13_14 12 0.697 \pm 0.051
STAR_510 7 0.93 \pm 0.047
CDF_RunI 25 0.592 \pm 0.016
CDF_RunII 26 0.896 \pm 0.066
D0_RunI 12 0.671 \pm 0.028
D0_RunII 5 1.702 \pm 0.223
D0_RunIImu 3 3.213 \pm 0.443
LHCb_7TeV 7 1.281 \pm 0.037
LHCb_8TeV 7 0.669 \pm 0.128
LHCb_13TeV 7 0.845 \pm 0.069
CMS_7TeV 4 2.128 \pm 0.009
CMS_8TeV 4 1.432 \pm 0.051
ATLAS_7TeV_y_0_1 6 2.707 \pm 0.242
ATLAS_7TeV_y_1_2 6 5.287 \pm 0.094
ATLAS_7TeV_y_2_2.4 6 3.916 \pm 0.108
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0_0.4 6 2.364 \pm 0.134
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.4_0.8 6 2.502 \pm 0.087
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.8_1.2 6 0.994 \pm 0.085
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.2_1.6 6 1.038 \pm 0.154
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.6_2 6 0.805 \pm 0.241
ATLAS_8TeV_y_2_2.4 6 1.054 \pm 0.223
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_46_66 4 2.995 \pm 0.117
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_116_150 8 0.502 \pm 0.008
Total 353 1.094 \pm 0.012

TMDs in k_T space

TMD PDF of the d at Q = 2 GeV and x = 0.001
TMD PDF of the d at Q = 2 GeV and x = 0.1
TMD PDF of the d at Q = 2 GeV and x = 0.3

Data-theory comparison

E605_Q_7_8 data-theory comparison
E605_Q_8_9 data-theory comparison
E605_Q_10.5_11.5 data-theory comparison
E605_Q_11.5_13.5 data-theory comparison
E605_Q_13.5_18 data-theory comparison
E288_200_Q_4_5 data-theory comparison
E288_200_Q_5_6 data-theory comparison
E288_200_Q_6_7 data-theory comparison
E288_200_Q_7_8 data-theory comparison
E288_200_Q_8_9 data-theory comparison
E288_300_Q_4_5 data-theory comparison
E288_300_Q_5_6 data-theory comparison
E288_300_Q_6_7 data-theory comparison
E288_300_Q_7_8 data-theory comparison
E288_300_Q_8_9 data-theory comparison
E288_300_Q_11_12 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_5_6 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_6_7 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_7_8 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_8_9 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_11_12 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_12_13 data-theory comparison
E288_400_Q_13_14 data-theory comparison
STAR_510 data-theory comparison
CDF_RunI data-theory comparison
CDF_RunII data-theory comparison
D0_RunI data-theory comparison
D0_RunII data-theory comparison
D0_RunIImu data-theory comparison
LHCb_7TeV data-theory comparison
LHCb_8TeV data-theory comparison
LHCb_13TeV data-theory comparison
CMS_7TeV data-theory comparison
CMS_8TeV data-theory comparison
ATLAS_7TeV_y_0_1 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_7TeV_y_1_2 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_7TeV_y_2_2.4 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0_0.4 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.4_0.8 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_y_0.8_1.2 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.2_1.6 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_y_1.6_2 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_y_2_2.4 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_46_66 data-theory comparison
ATLAS_8TeV_Q_116_150 data-theory comparison