APFEL 4.8.0
A PDF evolution library in C++
No Matches
// APFEL++ 2017
// Author: Valerio Bertone: valerio.bertone@cern.ch
#include <apfel/apfelxx.h>
int main()
// x-space grid
//const apfel::Grid g{{{1000, 1e-5, 3}, {200, 1e-1, 3}, {50, 6e-1, 3}, {50, 8e-1, 3}}};
const apfel::Grid g{{{100, 1e-5, 3}, {60, 1e-1, 3}, {50, 6e-1, 3}, {50, 8e-1, 3}}};
// This function comes from the Jacobian
const std::function<double(double const&)> f = [] (double const& x) -> double { return sqrt(x); };
// Double distribution to be integrated
// Parameters
const double Vs = 7000;
const double Q1 = 66;
const double Q2 = 116;
const double y1 = 0;
const double y2 = 2.4;
// Functions defining the upper and lower integration bound in x2 as
// functions of x1.
const double x1min = Q1 / Vs * exp(y1);
const double x1max = Q2 / Vs * exp(y2);
const std::function<double(double const&)> x2minf = [=] (double const& x1) -> double { return std::max(pow(Q1 / Vs, 2) / x1, exp(- 2 * y2) * x1); };
const std::function<double(double const&)> x2maxf = [=] (double const& x1) -> double { return std::min(pow(Q2 / Vs, 2) / x1, exp(- 2 * y1) * x1); };
// Functions defining the upper and lower integration bound in x1 as
// functions of x2.
const double x2min = Q1 / Vs * exp(-y2);
const double x2max = Q2 / Vs * exp(-y1);
const std::function<double(double const&)> x1minf = [=] (double const& x2) -> double { return std::min(1., std::max(pow(Q1 / Vs, 2) / x2, exp(2 * y1) * x2)); };
const std::function<double(double const&)> x1maxf = [=] (double const& x2) -> double { return std::min(pow(Q2 / Vs, 2) / x2, exp(2 * y2) * x2); };
// Print results
const double an = ( pow(Q2, 3) - pow(Q1, 3) ) * ( y2 - y1 ) / 3 / pow(Vs, 2);
const double nm1 = Vs * dd.Integrate(x1min, x1max, x2minf, x2maxf) / 2;
const double nm2 = Vs * dd.Integrate(x1minf, x1maxf, x2min, x2max) / 2;
std::cout << " Analytic Numerical1 Numerical2 Ratio1 Ratio2" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::scientific << an << "\t" << nm1 << "\t" << nm2 << "\t" << nm1 / an << "\t" << nm2 / an << std::endl;
return 0;
The Distribution class defines one of the basic objects of APFEL++. This is essentially the discretis...
Definition distribution.h:22
The DoubleObject class is a collection of pairs of single objects (Distributions or Operators) accomp...
Definition doubleobject.h:37
The Grid class defines ab object that is essentially a collection of "SubGrid" objects plus other glo...
Definition grid.h:22