APFEL 4.8.0
A PDF evolution library in C++
No Matches
// APFEL++ 2017
// Author: Valerio Bertone: valerio.bertone@cern.ch
#include <apfel/apfelxx.h>
int main()
// x-space grid
//const apfel::Grid g{{apfel::SubGrid{30, 1e-5, 3}, apfel::SubGrid{20, 1e-1, 3}, apfel::SubGrid{10, 9e-1, 3}}};
const apfel::Grid g{{apfel::SubGrid{100, 1e-5, 3}, apfel::SubGrid{200, 1e-1, 3}, apfel::SubGrid{100, 9e-1, 3}}};
// Initial scale
const double mu0 = sqrt(2);
// Vector of thresholds
const std::vector<double> Thresholds = {0, 0, 0, sqrt(2), 4.5, 175};
// Perturbative order
const int PerturbativeOrder = 0;
// Skewness
const double xi = 0.3;
// Running coupling
const double AlphaQCDRef = 0.35;
const double MuAlphaQCDRef = sqrt(2);
apfel::AlphaQCD a{AlphaQCDRef, MuAlphaQCDRef, Thresholds, PerturbativeOrder};
const apfel::TabulateObject<double> Alphas{a, 100, 0.9, 1001, 3};
const auto as = [&] (double const& mu) -> double{ return Alphas.Evaluate(mu); };
// Initialize GPD evolution objects
const auto GpdObj = InitializeGpdObjects(g, Thresholds, xi);
//const auto GpdObjOp = InitializeGpdObjects(g, Thresholds, xi, true);
// Construct the DGLAP objects
const auto EvolvedGPDs = BuildDglap(GpdObj, apfel::LHToyPDFs, mu0, PerturbativeOrder, as);
//const auto EvolvedOps = BuildDglap(GpdObjOp, mu0, PerturbativeOrder, as);
// Tabulate GPDs
const apfel::TabulateObject<apfel::Set<apfel::Distribution>> TabulatedGPDs{*EvolvedGPDs, 30, 1, 100, 3};
// Tabulate Operators
//const apfel::TabulateObject<apfel::Set<apfel::Operator>> TabulatedOps{*EvolvedOps, 30, 1, 100, 3};
// Final scale
const double mu = 10;
// Compute results
std::cout << std::scientific << "Direct evolution (4th order Runge-Kutta) from Q0 = " << mu0 << " GeV to Q = " << mu << " GeV... ";
// Evolve GPDs to the final Scale
const std::map<int, apfel::Distribution> gpds = apfel::QCDEvToPhys(TabulatedGPDs.Evaluate(mu).GetObjects());
std::cout << "Interpolation of the tabulated GPDs... ";
const std::map<int, apfel::Distribution> tgpds = apfel::QCDEvToPhys(TabulatedGPDs.Evaluate(mu).GetObjects());
std::cout << "Interpolation of the tabulated evolution operators... ";
apfel::Set<apfel::Operator> tops = TabulatedOps.Evaluate(mu);
// Set appropriate convolution basis for the evolution operators and
// convolute them with initial-scale distributions.
const std::map<int, apfel::Distribution> opgpds = apfel::QCDEvToPhys((tops * apfel::Set<apfel::Distribution> {apfel::EvolveDistributionsBasisQCD{}, DistributionMap(g, apfel::LHToyPDFs, mu0)}).GetObjects());
// Print results
const std::vector<double> xlha = {1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 3e-1, 5e-1, 7e-1, 9e-1};
std::cout << "\nAlphaQCD(Q) = " << Alphas.Evaluate(mu) << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n x "
<< " u-ubar "
<< " d-dbar "
<< " 2(ubr+dbr) "
<< " c+cbar "
<< " gluon "
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Direct Evolution:" << std::endl;
for (auto const& x : xlha)
std::cout << x;
std::cout << " " << (gpds.at(2) - gpds.at(-2)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << (gpds.at(1) - gpds.at(-1)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << 2 * (gpds.at(-2) + gpds.at(-1)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << (gpds.at(4) + gpds.at(-4)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << gpds.at(0).Evaluate(x)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Evolution through the evolution operator:" << std::endl;
for (auto const& x : xlha)
std::cout << x;
std::cout << " " << (opgpds.at(2) - opgpds.at(-2)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << (opgpds.at(1) - opgpds.at(-1)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << 2 * (opgpds.at(-2) + opgpds.at(-1)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << (opgpds.at(4) + opgpds.at(-4)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << opgpds.at(0).Evaluate(x)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Interpolation on the GPD table (all x for each Q):" << std::endl;
for (auto const& x : xlha)
std::cout << x;
std::cout << " " << (tgpds.at(2) - tgpds.at(-2)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << (tgpds.at(1) - tgpds.at(-1)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << 2 * (tgpds.at(-2) + tgpds.at(-1)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << (tgpds.at(4) + tgpds.at(-4)).Evaluate(x)
<< " " << tgpds.at(0).Evaluate(x)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
The AlphaQCD is a specialization class of the MatchedEvolution class for the computation of the QCD c...
Definition alphaqcd.h:21
The Grid class defines ab object that is essentially a collection of "SubGrid" objects plus other glo...
Definition grid.h:22
T Evaluate(double const &Q) const
Function that interpolates on the grid in Q.
Class for the x-space interpolation SubGrids.
Definition subgrid.h:23
The template TabulateObject class is a derived of the QGrid class that tabulates on object of type T ...
Definition tabulateobject.h:26
The Timer class computes the time elapsed between start and stop.
Definition timer.h:20
void stop(bool const &ForceDisplay=false)
This function stops the timer and reports the elapsed time in seconds since the last time the timer w...
Definition timer.h:36
void start()
This function starts the timer.
Definition timer.h:30
std::map< int, double > QCDEvToPhys(std::map< int, double > const &QCDEvMap)
Rotation from the QCD evolution to the physical basis.