APFEL 4.8.0
A PDF evolution library in C++
No Matches
Physical constants

Quark charges

Quark electric charges and their square (it also includes sums of charges).

const double apfel::ed = - 1. / 3.
const double apfel::eu = 2. / 3.
const double apfel::ed2 = 1. / 9.
const double apfel::eu2 = 4. / 9.
const std::vector< double > apfel::QCh = {ed, eu, ed, eu, ed, eu}
const std::vector< double > apfel::QCh2 = {ed2, eu2, ed2, eu2, ed2, eu2}
const std::vector< double > apfel::SumCh2 = {0., 1./9., 5./9., 2./3., 10./9., 11./9., 5./3.}
const std::vector< double > apfel::SumCh4 = {0., 1./81., 17./81., 18./81., 34./81., 35./81., 51./81.}

Flavour factors required by the N<SUP>3</SUP>LO DIS coefficient functions

Their definition can be found in Tab. 2 (page 8) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0504242v1.pdf.

const std::vector< double > apfel::fl11ns = {-1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5}
const std::vector< double > apfel::fl11sg = {1, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.018181818, 0.1}

Conversion factor

Conversion factor from * GeV-2 to pb taken from: https://pdg.lbl.gov/2022/reviews/rpp2022-rev-phys-constants.pdf.

const double apfel::ConvFact = 0.3893793721e9

Z-boson mass and width

Value of the mass of the Z boson and its width in GeV taken from: https://pdg.lbl.gov/2023/listings/rpp2023-list-z-boson.pdf.

const double apfel::ZMass = 91.1876
const double apfel::GammaZ = 2.4955

W-boson mass and width

Value of the mass of the W bosons and their width in GeV taken from: https://pdg.lbl.gov/2023/listings/rpp2023-list-w-boson.pdf.

const double apfel::WMass = 80.377
const double apfel::GammaW = 2.085

Proton mass

Value of the mass of the proton in GeV taken from: https://pdg.lbl.gov/2022/reviews/rpp2022-rev-phys-constants.pdf.

const double apfel::ProtonMass = 0.93827208816

Weinberg angle

Value of sin2θW in the MSbar scheme taken from: https://pdg.lbl.gov/2022/reviews/rpp2022-rev-phys-constants.pdf.

const double apfel::Sin2ThetaW = 0.23121

Fermi constant

Value of GF in GeV-2 taken from: https://pdg.lbl.gov/2022/reviews/rpp2022-rev-phys-constants.pdf.

const double apfel::GFermi = 1.1663788e-5
const double apfel::alphaem = 7.2973525693e-3

CKM matrix elements

Absolute value of the CMK matrix elements and their square taken from: http://pdg.lbl.gov/2018/reviews/rpp2018-rev-ckm-matrix.pdf.

const double apfel::Vud = 0.97446
const double apfel::Vus = 0.22452
const double apfel::Vub = 0.00365
const double apfel::Vcd = 0.22438
const double apfel::Vcs = 0.97359
const double apfel::Vcb = 0.04214
const double apfel::Vtd = 0.00896
const double apfel::Vts = 0.04133
const double apfel::Vtb = 0.999105
const double apfel::Vud2 = Vud * Vud
const double apfel::Vus2 = Vus * Vus
const double apfel::Vub2 = Vub * Vub
const double apfel::Vcd2 = Vcd * Vcd
const double apfel::Vcs2 = Vcs * Vcs
const double apfel::Vcb2 = Vcb * Vcb
const double apfel::Vtd2 = Vtd * Vtd
const double apfel::Vts2 = Vts * Vts
const double apfel::Vtb2 = Vtb * Vtb
const std::vector< double > apfel::CKM = {Vud, Vus, Vub, Vcd, Vcs, Vcb, Vtd, Vts, Vtb}
const std::vector< double > apfel::CKM2 = {Vud2, Vus2, Vub2, Vcd2, Vcs2, Vcb2, Vtd2, Vts2, Vtb2}

Detailed Description

Collection of physical constants often used in the code.

Variable Documentation

◆ alphaem

const double apfel::alphaem = 7.2973525693e-3


const std::vector<double> apfel::CKM = {Vud, Vus, Vub, Vcd, Vcs, Vcb, Vtd, Vts, Vtb}

◆ CKM2

const std::vector<double> apfel::CKM2 = {Vud2, Vus2, Vub2, Vcd2, Vcs2, Vcb2, Vtd2, Vts2, Vtb2}

◆ ConvFact

const double apfel::ConvFact = 0.3893793721e9

◆ ed

const double apfel::ed = - 1. / 3.

◆ ed2

const double apfel::ed2 = 1. / 9.

◆ eu

const double apfel::eu = 2. / 3.

◆ eu2

const double apfel::eu2 = 4. / 9.

◆ fl11ns

const std::vector<double> apfel::fl11ns = {-1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5}

◆ fl11sg

const std::vector<double> apfel::fl11sg = {1, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.018181818, 0.1}

◆ GammaW

const double apfel::GammaW = 2.085

◆ GammaZ

const double apfel::GammaZ = 2.4955

◆ GFermi

const double apfel::GFermi = 1.1663788e-5

◆ ProtonMass

const double apfel::ProtonMass = 0.93827208816

◆ QCh

const std::vector<double> apfel::QCh = {ed, eu, ed, eu, ed, eu}

◆ QCh2

const std::vector<double> apfel::QCh2 = {ed2, eu2, ed2, eu2, ed2, eu2}

◆ Sin2ThetaW

const double apfel::Sin2ThetaW = 0.23121

◆ SumCh2

const std::vector<double> apfel::SumCh2 = {0., 1./9., 5./9., 2./3., 10./9., 11./9., 5./3.}

◆ SumCh4

const std::vector<double> apfel::SumCh4 = {0., 1./81., 17./81., 18./81., 34./81., 35./81., 51./81.}

◆ Vcb

const double apfel::Vcb = 0.04214

◆ Vcb2

const double apfel::Vcb2 = Vcb * Vcb

◆ Vcd

const double apfel::Vcd = 0.22438

◆ Vcd2

const double apfel::Vcd2 = Vcd * Vcd

◆ Vcs

const double apfel::Vcs = 0.97359

◆ Vcs2

const double apfel::Vcs2 = Vcs * Vcs

◆ Vtb

const double apfel::Vtb = 0.999105

◆ Vtb2

const double apfel::Vtb2 = Vtb * Vtb

◆ Vtd

const double apfel::Vtd = 0.00896

◆ Vtd2

const double apfel::Vtd2 = Vtd * Vtd

◆ Vts

const double apfel::Vts = 0.04133

◆ Vts2

const double apfel::Vts2 = Vts * Vts

◆ Vub

const double apfel::Vub = 0.00365

◆ Vub2

const double apfel::Vub2 = Vub * Vub

◆ Vud

const double apfel::Vud = 0.97446

◆ Vud2

const double apfel::Vud2 = Vud * Vud

◆ Vus

const double apfel::Vus = 0.22452

◆ Vus2

const double apfel::Vus2 = Vus * Vus

◆ WMass

const double apfel::WMass = 80.377

◆ ZMass

const double apfel::ZMass = 91.1876