APFEL 4.8.0
A PDF evolution library in C++
No Matches
// APFEL++ 2017
// Author: Valerio Bertone: valerio.bertone@cern.ch
#include <apfel/apfelxx.h>
#include <apfel/betaqcd.h>
#include <iomanip>
// LH Toy PDFs
double xglu(double const& x)
return 1.7 * pow(x,-0.1) * pow((1-x),5);
int main()
* Test code to check the correctness and the accuracy of the
* massive coefficient functions, both exact and asymptotic.
// x-space grid
const apfel::Grid g{{apfel::SubGrid{100,1e-5,5}, apfel::SubGrid{60,1e-1,5}, apfel::SubGrid{50,6e-1,3}, apfel::SubGrid{50,8e-1,3}}};
// Final scale
const double Q2 = 200000;
const double muF2 = Q2;
const double M2 = 2;
const double xi = Q2 / M2;
const double xiF = M2 / muF2;
const double lxi = log(xi);
const double lxi2 = lxi * lxi;
const double lxiF = log(xiF);
const double eta = Q2 / ( Q2 + 4 * M2 );
// Number of active flavours
const int nf = 3;
// Integration accuracy
const double IntEps = apfel::eps5;
// Massive coeffient functions
const apfel::Operator Om21g {g, apfel::Cm21gNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om22ns {g, apfel::Cm22nsNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om22gc {g, apfel::Cm22gNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om22gb {g, apfel::Cm22bargNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om22psc{g, apfel::Cm22psNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om22psb{g, apfel::Cm22barpsNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om22ps = Om22psc + lxi * Om22psb;
const apfel::Operator Om22g = Om22gc + lxi * Om22gb;
const apfel::Operator OmL1g {g, apfel::CmL1gNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator OmL2ns {g, apfel::CmL2nsNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator OmL2gc {g, apfel::CmL2gNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator OmL2gb {g, apfel::CmL2bargNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator OmL2psc{g, apfel::CmL2psNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator OmL2psb{g, apfel::CmL2barpsNC{eta}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator OmL2ps = OmL2psc + lxi * OmL2psb;
const apfel::Operator OmL2g = OmL2gc + lxi * OmL2gb;
// Massive zero coeffient functions
const apfel::Operator Om021gc {g, apfel::Cm021gNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om021gl {g, apfel::Cm021gNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022nsc {g, apfel::Cm022nsNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022nsl {g, apfel::Cm022nsNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022nsl2{g, apfel::Cm022nsNC_l2{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022psc {g, apfel::Cm022psNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022psl {g, apfel::Cm022psNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022psl2{g, apfel::Cm022psNC_l2{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022psf {g, apfel::Cm022psNC_f{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022pslf{g, apfel::Cm022psNC_lf{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022gc {g, apfel::Cm022gNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022gl {g, apfel::Cm022gNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022gl2 {g, apfel::Cm022gNC_l2{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022gf {g, apfel::Cm022gNC_f{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om022glf {g, apfel::Cm022gNC_lf{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om021g = Om021gc + lxi * Om021gl;
const apfel::Operator Om022ns = Om022nsc + lxi * Om022nsl + lxi2 * Om022nsl2;
const apfel::Operator Om022ps = Om022psc + lxi * Om022psl + lxi2 * Om022psl2 + lxiF * Om022psf + lxi * lxiF * Om022pslf;
const apfel::Operator Om022g = Om022gc + lxi * Om022gl + lxi2 * Om022gl2 + lxiF * Om022gf + lxi * lxiF * Om022glf;
const apfel::Operator Om0L1g {g, apfel::Cm0L1gNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2nsc{g, apfel::Cm0L2nsNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2nsl{g, apfel::Cm0L2nsNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2psc{g, apfel::Cm0L2psNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2psl{g, apfel::Cm0L2psNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2psf{g, apfel::Cm0L2psNC_f{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2gc {g, apfel::Cm0L2gNC_c{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2gl {g, apfel::Cm0L2gNC_l{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2gf {g, apfel::Cm0L2gNC_f{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator Om0L2ns = Om0L2nsc + lxi * Om0L2nsl;
const apfel::Operator Om0L2ps = Om0L2psc + lxi * Om0L2psl + lxiF * Om0L2psf;
const apfel::Operator Om0L2g = Om0L2gc + lxi * Om0L2gl + lxiF * Om0L2gf;
* Massive0 coeffient functions. These coefficient functions are
* explicitly reported in Appendix D of
* https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9601302.pdf. However, they can be
* obtained by a proper combination of zero-mass coeffient
* functions, splitting functions, matching conditions, and
* beta-function coeffients. All these expressions are implemented
* and they need to be combined using the following equations of the
* same paper:
* - (4.6) and (4.7) for the O(as) gluon coefficient functions,
* - (4.14) and (4.15) for the O(as^2) gluon coefficient functions,
* - (4.20) and (4.21) for the O(as^2) pure-singlet coefficient functions,
* - (4.28) and (4.29) for the O(as^2) non-singlet coefficient functions.
* The convolution will be performed numerically using the internal
* functions. Interestingly, this way of computing the massive0
* coeffient functions is particularly useful when implementing the
* FONLL scheme because in the subtraction term (ZM-M0) the ZM
* coefficient functions cancel explicitly.
// beta0 constants
const double beta0 = apfel::beta0qcd(nf);
const double beta0Q = beta0 - apfel::beta0qcd(nf-1);
// Zero mass coefficient functions
const apfel::Operator c21ns {g, apfel::C21ns{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator c21g {g, apfel::C21g{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator c22ps {g, apfel::C22ps{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator c22g {g, apfel::C22g{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator c22nsp1{g, apfel::C22nsp{nf}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator c22nsp2{g, apfel::C22nsp{nf+1}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator c22nsp = c22nsp2 - c22nsp1; // Select nf dependent part
const apfel::Operator cL1ns {g, apfel::CL1ns{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator cL1g {g, apfel::CL1g{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator cL2ps {g, apfel::CL2ps{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator cL2g {g, apfel::CL2g{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator cL2nsp1{g, apfel::CL2nsp{nf}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator cL2nsp2{g, apfel::CL2nsp{nf+1}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator cL2nsp = cL2nsp2 - cL2nsp1; // Select nf dependent part
// Splitting functions functions. Need to be multiplied by 2. This
// is done in the expressions below.
const apfel::Operator p0ns {g, apfel::P0ns{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p0qg {g, apfel::P0qg{1}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p0gq {g, apfel::P0gq{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p0gg {g, apfel::P0gg{nf}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p1ps1{g, apfel::P1ps{1}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p1qg1{g, apfel::P1qg{1}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p1ns1{g, apfel::P1nsp{nf}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p1ns2{g, apfel::P1nsp{nf+1}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator p1ns = 2 * apfel::TR * ( p1ns2 - p1ns1 ); // Eq. (3.34)
const apfel::Operator p1ps = 2 * apfel::TR * p1ps1; // Eq. (3.30)
const apfel::Operator p1qg = 2 * apfel::TR * p1qg1; // Eq. (3.23)
// Matching conditions (only non-log terms needed)
const apfel::Operator a1Qg {g, apfel::Null{}, IntEps};
//const apfel::Operator a1Qgb = - zeta2 * p0qg / 4;
const apfel::Operator aPS2Qq {g, apfel::APS2Hq_0{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator aNS2qqQ{g, apfel::ANS2qqH_0{}, IntEps};
const apfel::Operator a2Qg {g, apfel::AS2Hg_0{}, IntEps};
// Eqs. (4.6) and (4.7) for the O(as) gluon coefficient functions (!)
const apfel::Operator HL1g = cL1g;
const apfel::Operator H21g = p0qg * lxi + a1Qg + c21g;
// Eqs. (4.14) and (4.15) for the O(as^2) gluon coefficient
// functions.
const apfel::Operator HL2g = ( - beta0 * cL1g + p0gg * cL1g + p0qg * cL1ns ) * lxi
+ ( - beta0 * cL1g + p0gg * cL1g ) * lxiF + cL2g + a1Qg * cL1ns;
const apfel::Operator H22g = ( p0qg * ( p0gg + p0ns ) / 2 - beta0 * p0qg / 2 ) * lxi2
+ ( p1qg - beta0 * c21g + p0ns * a1Qg + p0gg * c21g + p0qg * c21ns ) * lxi
+ ( p0qg * p0gg - beta0 * p0qg ) * lxi *lxiF
+ ( - beta0 * ( c21g + a1Qg ) + p0gg * ( c21g + a1Qg ) ) * lxiF
+ c22g + a2Qg;
//+ 2 * beta0 * a1Qgb + c21ns * a1Qg + 2 * p0ns * a1Qgb - 2 * p0gg * a1Qgb; // These terms are already included in 'a2Qg'
// Eqs. (4.20) and (4.21) for the O(as^2) pure-singlet coefficient
// functions.
const apfel::Operator HL2q = ( lxi + lxiF ) * p0gq * cL1g + cL2ps;
const apfel::Operator H22q = p0qg * p0gq * ( lxi2 / 2 + lxi * lxiF )
+ ( p1ps + p0gq * c21g ) * lxi
+ p0gq * ( a1Qg + c21g ) * lxiF + c22ps + aPS2Qq;
//- 2 * p0gq * a1Qgb; // This term is already included in 'aPS2Qq'
// Eqs. (4.28) and (4.29) for the O(as^2) non-singlet coefficient
// functions (!).
const apfel::Operator LL2NSq = - beta0Q * lxi * cL1ns + cL2nsp;
const apfel::Operator L22NSq = - beta0Q * lxi2 * p0ns / 2 + ( p1ns - beta0Q * c21ns ) * lxi
+ c22nsp + aNS2qqQ;
//+ beta0Q * zeta2 * p0ns / 2; // This term is already included in 'aNS2qqQ'
// Define test distribution
const apfel::Distribution TestDist{g, xglu};
// Multiply the operators by the test distribution
const apfel::Distribution Dm21g = Om21g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution DmL1g = OmL1g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm22ns = Om22ns * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution DmL2ns = OmL2ns * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm22ps = Om22ps * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution DmL2ps = OmL2ps * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm22g = Om22g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution DmL2g = OmL2g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Hm21g = H21g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution HmL1g = HL1g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Hm22ns = L22NSq * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution HmL2ns = LL2NSq * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Hm22ps = H22q * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution HmL2ps = HL2q * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Hm22g = H22g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution HmL2g = HL2g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm021g = Om021g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm0L1g = Om0L1g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm022ns = Om022ns * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm0L2ns = Om0L2ns * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm022ps = Om022ps * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm0L2ps = Om0L2ps * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm022g = Om022g * TestDist;
const apfel::Distribution Dm0L2g = Om0L2g * TestDist;
const std::vector<double> xlha = {1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 3e-1, 5e-1, 7e-1, 9e-1};
std::cout << std::scientific << std::endl;
std::cout << "xi = " << xi << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nO(as) gluon coefficient functions" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Asymptotic constructed vs. asymptotic explicit" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm21g \t"
<< " CmL1g \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Hm21g.Evaluate(x) / Dm021g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< HmL1g.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L1g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Exact vs. asymptotic" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm21g \t"
<< " CmL1g \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Dm21g.Evaluate(x) / Dm021g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< DmL1g.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L1g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "O(as^2) non-singlet coefficient functions" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Asymptotic constructed vs. asymptotic explicit" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm22ns \t"
<< " CmL2ns \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Hm22ns.Evaluate(x) / Dm022ns.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< HmL2ns.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L2ns.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Exact vs. asymptotic" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm22ns \t"
<< " CmL2ns \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Dm22ns.Evaluate(x) / Dm022ns.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< DmL2ns.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L2ns.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "O(as^2) pure-singlet coefficient functions" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Asymptotic constructed vs. asymptotic explicit" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm22ps \t"
<< " CmL2ps \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Hm22ps.Evaluate(x) / Dm022ps.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< HmL2ps.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L2ps.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Exact vs. asymptotic" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm22ps \t"
<< " CmL2ps \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Dm22ps.Evaluate(x) / Dm022ps.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< DmL2ps.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L2ps.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "O(as^2) gluon coefficient functions" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Asymptotic constructed vs. asymptotic explicit" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm22g \t"
<< " CmL2g \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Hm22g.Evaluate(x) / Dm022g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< HmL2g.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L2g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Exact vs. asymptotic" << std::endl;
std::cout << " x \t"
<< " Cm22g \t"
<< " CmL2g \t"
<< std::endl;
for (double const& x : xlha)
std::cout << std::setprecision(4) << x << "\t"
<< Dm22g.Evaluate(x) / Dm022g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< DmL2g.Evaluate(x) / Dm0L2g.Evaluate(x) << "\t"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
O(αs2) constant term of eq (B.4) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9612398.pdf.
Definition matchingconditions_sl.h:255
O(αs2) constant term of eq (B.1) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9612398.pdf.
Definition matchingconditions_sl.h:185
O(αs2) constant term of eq (B.3) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9612398.pdf.
Definition matchingconditions_sl.h:220
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for F2.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:46
O(αs) non-singlet coefficient function for F2.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:34
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:138
O(αs2) non-singlet-plus coefficient function for F2.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:97
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:127
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for FL.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:67
O(αs) non-singlet coefficient function for FL.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:57
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for FL.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:189
O(αs2) non-singlet-plus coefficient function for FL.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:150
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for FL.
Definition zeromasscoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:178
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for F2. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:39
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for F2. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:50
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:227
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2. Single-log(μF) term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:260
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2. Double-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:249
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:238
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2. Mixed-double-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:271
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for F2. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:78
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for F2. Double-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:104
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for F2. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:91
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:139
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2. Single-log(μF) term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:172
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2. Double-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:161
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:150
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2. Mixed-double-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:183
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for FL. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:61
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for FL. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:282
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for FL. Single-log(μF) term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:304
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for FL. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:293
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for FL. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:117
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for FL. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:128
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for FL. Constant term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:194
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for FL. Single-log(μF) term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:216
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for FL. Single-log term.
Definition massivezerocoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:205
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for F2. See eq. (53) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1001....
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:58
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function proportional to ln(Q2/M2) for F2. Uses the fortran routines in 'src...
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:176
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function proportional to ln(Q2/M2) for F2. Uses the fortran routines ...
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:205
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for F2. Uses the fortran routines in 'src/dis/hqcoef....
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:121
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for F2. See Appendix A of https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/960130...
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:91
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for F2. Uses the fortran routines in 'src/dis/hqcoef....
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:148
O(αs) gluon coefficient function for FL.
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:70
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function proportional to ln(Q2/M2) for FL. Uses the fortran routines in 'src...
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:190
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function proportional to ln(Q2/M2) for FL. Uses the fortran routines ...
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:220
O(αs2) gluon coefficient function for FL. Uses the fortran routines in 'src/dis/hqcoef....
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:134
O(αs2) non-singlet coefficient function for FL. See Appendix A of https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/960130...
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:108
O(αs2) pure-singlet coefficient function for FL. Uses the fortran routines in 'src/dis/hqcoef....
Definition massivecoefficientfunctionsunp_sl.h:162
The Distribution class defines one of the basic objects of APFEL++. This is essentially the discretis...
Definition distribution.h:22
The Grid class defines ab object that is essentially a collection of "SubGrid" objects plus other glo...
Definition grid.h:22
double Evaluate(double const &x) const
Function that evaluates the interpolated function on the joint grid.
Derived class from Expression to implement the Null operator (zero).
Definition expression.h:119
The Operator class defines the basic object "Operator" which is essentially the convolution on the gr...
Definition operator.h:22
Space-like O(αs) gluon-gluon unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:87
Space-like O(αs) gluon-quark unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:76
Space-like O(αs) non-singlet unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:50
Space-like O(αs) quark-gluon unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:63
Space-like O(αs2) non-singlet-plus unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:108
Space-like O(αs2) pure-singlet unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:135
Space-like O(αs2) quark-gluon unpolarised splitting function.
Definition splittingfunctionsunp_sl.h:148
Class for the x-space interpolation SubGrids.
Definition subgrid.h:23
The Timer class computes the time elapsed between start and stop.
Definition timer.h:20
void stop(bool const &ForceDisplay=false)
This function stops the timer and reports the elapsed time in seconds since the last time the timer w...
Definition timer.h:36
void start()
This function starts the timer.
Definition timer.h:30
const double eps5
Definition constants.h:57
const double TR
Definition constants.h:147
double beta0qcd(int const &nf)
LO coefficient of the QCD function.